The Week Ahead: Nov. 20-25, 2017

Coffee Break, Mom & Babies, Native Americans, Knit Wits, American Cinema, Assemblea Ordinaria, Thanksgiving! Happening this week at Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste.
American Corner Activities are Free and Open to the Public.

Tuesday, Nov. 21 
10 am - Tuesday Coffee Break

10 am - Mom & Baby Play Group 

8 pm - "Segnali di Fumo" - Smoke Signals.  Evening dedicated to Native American Culture.  Presentation of the Native American Pow Wow Agenda dedicated to Paolo Zanier by the painter, Sabrina Matucci.

Wednesday, Nov. 22
Knit Wits - Knit in company.  Bring your own project or work with us.  Knit, Teach, Learn! 

10 am - Morning Makers - Knit or use our Sewing Machines.

Thursday, Nov. 23
10 am - Mom & Baby Playgroup

13:30, 16, 1830, 21 - Life, Animated - American Film Series at Teatro dei Fabbri.
Free for 2017/18 AIA FVG Members

Friday, Nov. 24
5 pm - Teen Maker Space - continuing with our 3D T-Rex 

5:30 and 6:00 pm - Assemblea dei Soci dell'Associazione Italo Americana FVG

Saturday, Nov. 25th
THANKSGIVING POTLUCK DINNER - Members and their families with Reservations Only.