Summer Classes

call or e-mail Karoline for info: 3498666667

CORSI ESTIVI 2014 / Summer Classes 2014

Corsi Estivi per ogni età ed ogni esigenza: Something for everyone

Science Technology Engineering Arts Music in English     €125/settimana ore 9-12

STEAM Weeks: un’opportunità stimolante per imparare hands-on tramite competenze integrate, con enfasi sulle materie STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) in inglese.  Si impara facendo, e divertendosi … in inglese.  I gruppi sono divisi per livello scolastico: Scuola Elementare, Media, Superiore, con quattro settimane tematiche. Per tutti livelli.

STEAM Weeks:  an exciting and hands-on learning opportunity for young people, applying integrated skills and with a special emphasis on the STEAM curriculum areas (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) in English.  You will learn by doing, and having fun…in English.  The groups are divided by class level:  Elementary, Middle and High School, with 4 theme weeks. For both Native and Non -Native Speakers.
SETTIMANE INTENSIVE / Intensive Weeks €125/settimana
ü  Inglese, 2 ore al giorno per 5 giorni di fila.  Per iniziare a parlare oppure riprendere in modo veloce.
ü  Italiano – 2 ore al giorno per 5 giorni di fila.  Un modo per imparare velocemente “Survival” Italian

ü  English, 2 hours a day for 5 days straight.  To start to speak or just to pick up where you left off in an accelerated way.
ü  Italian – 2 hours a day for 5 days straight.  Learn some essential “Survival” Italian. 

LEZIONI INDIVIDUALI:  Individual Lessons

Lezioni individuali personalizzate sono sempre disponbili, per inglese, italiano, per studenti oppure per adulti.    Personalized individual lessons are always available for English or Italian, for students or adults.

Friday American Experience

Get ready for Summer with Baseball and Independence Day - Our themes for June.

Membership and Payment Details

A Few Words About Our Courses.
We offer courses at all levels during the ENTIRE year (except August).   Regular courses generally last 10 weeks per session (Fall, Winter, Spring).  You can sign up for just one session, or you can continue all year long. 
Class sizes are small.  Our courses are generally practical and conversation oriented, but we also promote reading, listening and writing skills.  We always like to keep things fun and interesting.  You go to school or work all day long, so your English class should be a treat!  For questions about courses and/or levels, please call or stop in the office 040 63 03 01 or  349 8 66666 7 or send us an email at .
Our Summer Courses are Special!

Due parole sui nostri corsi.
Offriamo corsi a tutti i livelli durante TUTTO l’anno (tranne in agosto).  I corsi regolari durano 10 settimane per sessione (Autunno, Inverno, Primavera.  Ci si può iscrivere a solo un trimestre, oppure, volendo, continuare tutto l’anno.  I gruppi sono piccoli.  I nostri corsi sono indirizzati verso la conversazione, ma naturalmente promuoviamo anche le abilità di lettura, ascolto e scrittura.  Ci piace rendere le cose divertenti e leggeri.  Si va a scuola o si lavora  tutto il giorno, allora frequentare un corso (sia per lo studente, sia per l’insegnante) dovrebbe essere un piacere!  Per ulteriori informazioni riguardanti i corsi / livelli, telefonare allo 040 63 03 01 oppure al  349 8 66666 7 oppure mandaci un mail al . I nostri Corsi Estivi sono Speciali!

*Payment and Membership: 
Cash, check or IBAN - IT49A0200802290000005261887. (with IBAN bank transfer, there is a discount of 5%) .  Please specify in the Causale: name of course, student name, day and time of course).
Membership:  All participants must be members of the Associazione Italo Americana del FVG. Adult members:  €35, Students over 16, Teachers, Over 65: €25 Under 16 must have an adult member in the family.  Membership fees should be paid in cash in the office and you need to fill in the membership form. 

*Pagamento ed Iscrizione come Socio: 
Contanti, assegno oppure via IBAN.  (Se pagate via IBAN verrà applicato lo sconto del 5%, IBAN IT49A0200802290000005261887, specificare:  Causale: Nome del Corso, Nome dello studente, Giorno e ora del corso.  
Quota Associativa:  Per partecipare ai corsi si deve essere iscritti all’ Associazione Italo Americana FVG. 
Per ragazzi sotto i 16 anni, un membro della famiglia deve essere iscritto. Per adulti, ogni partecipante deve iscriversi all’Associazione.Intero- adulto - €35, Ridotto (studenti, insegnanti, ³ 65 anni) - €25.  Vi preghiamo di pagare la quota in sede e di compilare il modulo d’iscrizione.

Number of Participants:  minimum 5 students per class.
The registration is completed upon payment.  For IBAN payments, please email or bring a copy of the bank transfer on or before the start date of the course in order to pick up your receipt, register as a member and complete the course registration.  Because class sizes are small, we encourage you to enroll as soon as possible.  Your place is reserved when we receive your payment.  Payments must be made on or before the start date. 

Numero di Partecipanti: minimo 5 studenti.

La registrazione viene completata con il pagamento. Per pagamenti con IBAN Vi preghiamo di portare la copia del pagamento bancario per ritirare la ricevuta, registrarsi come socio e completare la registrazione.  A causa i gruppi piccoli, vi chiediamo di registrare prima possibile.  Il posto è prenotato quando riceviamo il pagamento.  I pagamenti devono essere fatti entro il giorno di inizio del corso.

Summer Adult Intensive Weeks English and Italian

Qualcosa per tutti - in Inglese or Italian

INGLESE per ADULTI / English For Adults:
2 ore al giorno per 5 giorni -  €125*/settimana

Adult Beginners- Advanced Beginners

16/6 al 20/6 dalle 16 alle 18

8/9 al 12/9 dalle 16 alle 18

Adult Intermediate / Advanced Conversation

16/6 al 20/6 dalle 18 alle 20

8/9 al 12/9 dalle 18 alle 20

ITALIANO per ADULTI / Survival Italian For Adults:
2 hours a day for 5 days

16/6 al 20/6 dalle 10 alle 12

SETTEMBRE / September
8/9 al 12/9 dalle 10 alle 12


Lezioni individuali personalizzate sono sempre disponbili, per inglese, italiano, per studenti oppure per adulti.
Personalized individuals lessons are always available for English or Italian, for students or adults.

Offriamo anche Lezioni Individuali e Lezioni per Gruppi Piccoli in Inglese o in Italiano.  

1 Persona+ Insegnante: euro 35/ora*
2 Persone+ Insegnante: euro 40/ora*
3 Persone+ Insegnante: euro 45/ora*           
We also offer Individual Lessons and Lessons for Small Groups for English or Italian

1 Person+ Teacher: euro 35/hour*
2 People+ Teacher: euro 40/hour*

3 People+ Teacher: euro 45/hour*  

Summer INTENSIVE Weeks - Summer English - Elementary, Middle, High School

Per RAGAZZI /For Children and Teens:
€125 la settimana      ore 9 -12

Un’opportunità stimolante per imparare hands-on tramite competenze integrate.  Si impara facendo, e divertendosi … in inglese. 
I gruppi sono divisi per livello scolastico: Scuola Elementare, Media, Superiore.  Per tutti livelli:  Native e Non-Native Speakers.
Puoi scegliere per quante settimane partecipare!  € 125 / settimana*

Settimane Tematiche:    Week 1: Water    Week 2: Fire    Week 3: Earth    Week 4: Air


Ragazzi che hanno appena finito dalla classe 1° alla   classe 5°
Week 1:         LUGLIO                    14/7 al 18/7 dalle 9 alle 12   
Week 2:         LUGLIO                    21/7 al 25/7 dalle 9 alle 12   
Week 3:         AGOSTO                  25/8 al 29/8 dalle 9 alle 12   
Week 4:         SETTEMBRE           1/9 al 5/9 dalle 9 alle 12                   


Ragazzi che hanno appena finito dalla classe 1° alla  classe 3° della Scuola Media

Week 1:         GIUGNO                   23/6 al 27/6 dalle 9 alle 12
Week 2:         LUGLIO                    30/6 al 4/7 dalle 9 alle 12
Week 3:         AGOSTO                  25/8 al 29/8 dalle 9 alle 12
Week 4:         SETTEMBRE           1/9 al 5/9 dalle 9 alle 12


Ragazzi che hanno appena finito la classe 1° alla  classe 5° della Scuola Superiore

Week 1:         GIUGNO                   23/6 al 27/6 dalle 9 alle 12
Week 2:         LUGLIO                    30/6 al 4/7 dalle 9 alle 12
Week 3:         AGOSTO                  25/8 al 29/8 dalle 9 alle 12

Week 4:         SETTEMBRE           1/9 al 5/9 dalle 9 alle 12

Summer Musical Matinee Series

Summer Musical Matinee Series - Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 10-12 - mid-June - End July

At American Corner Trieste.  Piazza Sant'Antonio Nuovo, 6, Trieste

Bring the kids, the grandchildren.  Enjoy the cool room.  


Musicals for All Ages:  Classics, Modern, Kids

1. June 17th, An American in Paris (1951), 113 min.
2. June 19th, The Lion King (1997), 89 min.
3. June 24th, Mamma Mia! (2008), 108 min.
4. June 26th, Easter Parade  (1948), 107 min.
5. July 1st, Frozen (2013), 102 min.
6. July 3rd, Grease (1978), 110 min.
7. July 8th, The Wizard of Oz (1939), 102 min.
8. July 10th, Pocahontas (1995) 81 min.
9. July 15th, Hair (1979), 121 min.
10. July 17th, Show Boat (1951) 108 min.
11. July 22nd, Annie (1982) 126 min.
12. July 24th, Viva Las Vegas (1964), 85 min.

Emergenza Alluvione in Serbia


La Comunità Religiosa Serbo Ortodossa di Trieste sta raccogliendo i beni di prima necessità da mandare in Serbia dove le alluvioni hanno provocato una vera catastrofe, portando via le vite umane e provocando grossi danni materiali e migliaia di persone sfollate.

Per il momento le cose più necessarie sono:

- prodotti per l’igiene personale

- prodotti disinfettanti

- biancheria intima, calze e scarpe

- pannolini per bambini

- pannolini per adulti

- latte in polvere e gli omogeneizzati

- cibo in scatola.

Inoltre, è possibile donare i soldi facendo il bonifico sul seguente conto corrente:

Comunità Religiosa Serbo-Ortodossa


IBAN: IT 66 E 05336 02207 000040496346

What's Up - May 19- 23rd

Our schedule for the week at Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste:

Tuesday, May 20th, 5:30 pm - Women's Corner Conference:  Speaker Elisabetta Bini
Between Rights and Representations:  LGBTQ Movements in the US from the '70's to Today
Friday, May 23rd, 6-7pm - Alaska's Denali - Friday American Experience Documentary

Friday, May 23rd, 6-7 pm - Study Group - Shaping the Way We Teach English, 2.  For Online course participants. 

Volunteers and Mentors 2013/14

Volunteers, We Salute You!

Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste Volunteers and Mentors 2013/14. This one's for all 65 of you! 

Thank you for all you do!

Click Here to View the Video

Women's Space Conference: May 20, 2014, 5:30 - 7 pm

Women's Space Conference:  Between Rights and Representations:  LGBTQ Movements in the US from the '70's to Today - Elisabetta Bini
How have lgbtq (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transexual, queer) movements redefined U.S. politics, society and culture since the 1970s?  What is their role in contemporary debates about lgbtq rights and identities?

Elisabetta Bini, Research Fellow at the University of Trieste, will explain the ways in which lgbtq movements have challenged the specific forms of discrimination carried out against gays, lesbians, bisexual and transgender people in the U.S.; the relations they have established with other movements and groups, such as feminists; and how they have defined their rights (including marriage rights) and identities. 

 Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste - Piazza S. Antonio Nuovo, 6, Trieste -
FB: American Corner Trieste / Associazione Italo Americana FVG

Saving Mr. Banks - May 15th at Cinema dei Fabbri

Last Film of the 2013/14 Season - 33rd Rassegna del Cinema Americano - at Cinema dei Fabbri, via dei Fabbri 2/A

SAVING MR. BANKS - American Film Series - Original Version
Thursday, May 15th - 2, 4, 6:30 and 9 pm 

Walt Disney tries to convince the author of Mary Poppins to let him make a film out of her book. Finally she agrees and reveals much about Walt Disney. Based on a True Story (2013)

Stars: Tom Hanks, Emma Thompson

Members only...

Presentation - Prof. Leonardo Buonomo - May 13th 5:30 PM - Open to the Public

What's Up - May 12th - 16th

What's up this Week? May 12th- 16th. Put us on your schedule! Our events are Open to the Public. Check out the Library too!
Monday - 8:15 pm - Made for Each Other: My Best Friend's Wedding

Tuesday - 5:30pm - Book Club: Presentation of Leonardo Buonomo's Book "Immigration, Ethnicity, and Class in American Writing, 1830-1860: Reading the Stranger"

Thursday - 10:00 am Welcome Home Stranger: Anti-Stress and Relaxation in English

2,4,6:30,9 pm - Saving Mr. Banks at the Cinema dei Fabbri

Friday - 6-7 - Friday American Experience: California Big Sur Documentary

6-7 MOOC 2 Study Group for English Teaching On-Line Course

Dinosaurs, Caves and Osmiza - Oh, Yeah!

Looking for something to do in Trieste on Sunday?  Take advantage of the beautiful weather and get out on the Carso.  Today an outdoor itinerary that's great for kids.  No museums, plenty of exercise and fresh air, lots of fun!

MORNING      Unfortunately, this dinosaur site can only be visited on SUNDAYS from 10am-1pm and 2-6 pm.  If you have a Group you can organize a Group visit outside of their regular Sunday hours.   Call 3477393118; 3471006724 or write to

Visit the Dinosaurs at Villaggio del Pescatore - Antonio is our own local guy and Laura is a gigantic dinosaur visiting from Montana.  You see Antonio right where they found him.  Pretty neat.  On Sundays there is also a small cave that you can visit right next door.

After seeing Antonio, and maybe the cave next door, take a walk around the waterfront of Villaggio del Pescatore (Fishman's Village) and see the fishing and pleasure boats. 


A Cave - the Grotta Gigante and lunch in an Osmiza (not necessarily in that order!)
Grotta Gigante is a Giant Cave located in Borgo Grotta Gigante.  Bring your walking shoes and a sweater or jacket.  It's always about 50° F or 15° C in there.  You might even see the bear!

Osmiza - This is a great place to have a light lunch - Basically a local farmer opens his house for 8 days and serves whatever he raises or grows:  Wine, Ham, Eggs, Cheese, Salame.  Not formal and not a complete meal, but lots of fun.  Sit outside and relax and let the kids run around.  We can't tell you where to go because the open Osmizze are different every week. If you see some grape vines and a red Arrow, follow it!   Check out for listings. 

Top off the day with an ice cream!  Any place is going to be fantastic!


Diving in English

You missed the diving presentation in English? No problem.

Centro Sub Trieste has an Open House / Inauguration on Saturday, May 10th from 4:30 pm.

Check out their HQ at the DopoLavoro Ferroviario Beach - Viale Miramare 30. Want more info? Call Diego (English/Italian) 347 6010351 or write to

 Of course you can also take a course in Italian or go diving with their Group if you already have your certificate!

For the Open Water Diver Certification AIA FVG members and their relatives will receive a discount if we have a group of at least 5 people.  Not a member yet?  Another great reason to become one...

Living Edens - Friday Documentaries in May: Yellowstone, Big Sur, Denali

Come on a tour of the Living Edens in the US:  Yellowstone, Big Sur and Denali.

Friday nights at American Corner Trieste from 6-7 pm.  Open to the Public.

The Living Edens is a PBS series with state-of-the-art cinematography creating an intimate sense of place and captures a world of wonder, transporting viewers to isolated, undisturbed corners of the globe so pure they remind us of how the ancient world once was.

May 9th 6 pm - Yellowstone - America Sacred Wilderness
Yellowstone is a hive of activity. Paul Schullery has been watching wildlife here for 30 years and is one of the world's leading authorities on the park. As he guides us through this fresh, sunlit environment, wolves and grizzly bears mount extraordinary chase sequences in their quest for elk, and mountain lions gambol about without worry. Dramas occur in every season, for Yellowstone isn't just the world's first National Park - it's one of the great success stories in wildlife conservation.

May 16th, 6 pm -Big Sur - California Wild Coast
It has been called the greatest meeting of land and sea in the world. The Santa Lucia Mountains rise precipitously from the Pacific Ocean just south of Monterey on the central Californian coast. A sometimes violent, yet fragile place, Big Sur challenges the senses. Here air, water, land and life combine in spectacular fashion and provide refuge for a host of creatures including condors, falcons, blue whales, great white sharks and elephant seals. Wait for the morning fog to rise and enter this vast and impenetrable Big South Country.

May 23rd, 6 pm - Denali - Alaskan Great Wilderness
There is a place on Earth where an Alaskan wilderness spreads over more than six million acres like a living tapestry at the foot of the tallest peak in North America. Here, seasons of unfathomable extremes march beneath a mountain known as The Great One. In Denali's fierce winter, 20 hours of darkness and temperatures dipping nearly 100 degrees Fahrenheit below zero are routine; in summer, 20 hours of sunlight. Grizzly bear, wolf, moose, ground squirrel and golden eagle have each found their own way to live in this sub-Arctic eco-system where life pulses in a series of harsh, dark winters, framed by the light of June and August. In this land of extremes, plants and animals alike must be strong to survive. The place is an Eden called Denali.

What's Up? May 5th-9th

WHAT’S UP at AIA FVG / American Corner Trieste the week of May 5th – 9th. All events FREE and Open to the Public.

May 5th, 8:15 pm – Made for Each Other: Will & Grace
May 6th, 5:15 pm – Presentation of Free Online English Teaching Course and Study Group
May 8th , 10-12 – Thursday Coffee Break
May 8th , 6 pm – Presentation Under Water Diver Course in English
May 9th, 6 pm– Friday American Experience Documentary - Yellowstone - American's Sacred Wilderness