Blue Jeans e Gonne Corte - 16/10/2014 ore 10

Oct. 16th, 10-11 am – Documentary - Ingresso Libero

Blue Jeans and Short Skirts
Trieste in the TRUST Years by – Renzo Carbonera
50 minutes

Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste
Piazza Sant'Antonio 6, Trieste - 2nd Floor with elevator

Oct. 23rd , 10 am - Le Ragazze di Trieste - at American Corner Trieste

Oct. 25th - I NOSTRI GIORNI AMERICANI - Our American Days
Sala Tripcovich - Ingresso Libero
3 pm - Exhibit of Trust Materials
6 pm - Documentary Film- i nostri giorni americani - Our American Days
Concert - Shipyard Big Band

Oct. 27th - 8 pm - Bridges of Madison County - Ingresso Libero at American Corner Trieste

Oct. 30th, 10 am - Repeat of i nostri giorni americani - Our American Days - Ingresso Libero