The Marines - Documentary - May 31, 2013 - 6 p.m.

 Friday American Experience:  THE MARINES, PBS documentary 90 min. at American Corner Trieste

In Honor of Memorial Day

Friday, May 31, 2013 at 6 p.m. - P. S. Antonio Nuovo 6, Trieste

This documentary focuses on the history of the US Marines, what it takes to be a Marine and feastures interviews with Marines:  Past, present, future.


Looking ahead to June:  Over America series - an aerial view of the most beautiful states.  With our new sound and video system!
June 7 - Over Arizona
June 14 - Over Colorado
June 21 - Over Alaska
June 28 - Over Washington

New Summer English "Potenziato" for Children and Teens

READING for Young Native Speakers
Ages:  7-10

 Ages 7-10
Mondays and Wednesdays 3-4:30 pm *
Start date: July 1 until July 31st 2013
Total 15 hours: € 150

This five-week course is aimed at students who have reached a high level of spoken proficiency in English.  Participants will improve all four language skills, but especially reading and writing.

For more information:  +39 329 7883810
“LIT FLIX” Advanced Multimedia and Literature 
Accelerated English for Teens
Ages: 11-16
 Ages 11-16
Wednesdays 5-6pm *
Start date: June 12, 2013
Total 7 hours: €70
This seven-week course is aimed at students who have reached a high level of spoken and written proficiency in English. Participants will improve all four language skills through literature, film, music, poetry, writing and conversation.
Featured authors:
Roald Dahl, E.B. White, A.A. Milne, e.e. Cummings, Frank Baum, Mark Twain, Helen Keller, Rebbecca Lisle, etc.
Themes: Representation of literature in film, Friendship in literature, storytelling through music, overcoming diversity through writing, clash of generations: communicating with teens in literature and film, etc.
For more information:  +39 329 7883810
 *Participants are invited to stay from 6-7pm to volunteer for our Storytime Light and I love Reading program to help with the smaller children and cultivate a fun, English-speaking environment. 
Pagamento:  Contanti, assegno oppure via IBAN. 
(Se pagate via IBAN verrà applicato lo sconto del 5%, IBAN IT49A0200802290000005261887, specificare:  Causale: Nome del Corso, Nome dello studente).
Per partecipare ai corsi si deve essere iscritti all’ Associazione Italo Americana FVG. 
Per ragazzi sotto i 16 anni, un membro della famiglia deve essere iscritto.
Per adulti, ogni partecipante deve iscriversi all’Associazione.
Intero- adulto - €35, Ridotto (studenti, insegnanti, ³ 65 anni) - €25
Non possiamo concedere lo sconto IBAN per l’iscrizione all’AIA FVG.

Summer Activities and Courses-Thursday, May 30th, 6 p.m.

We will present all of our Summer Courses and Activities on May 30th at 6pm at the Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste - P. S. Antonio Nuovo, 6 - Trieste

Summer is here and we are ready!  50 flavors of cool! 
  • Summer Day Camp "Summer Lab",
  • New Courses,
  • Documentaries,
  • Summer Reading,
  • Storytime Light,
  • TGIF- Mexican Food!
  • Independence Day Celebration and concert
  • America on the Big Screen Series: 1947-54 and much more!
The Association is rocking all summer!

AIA FVG- American Corner Trieste - June 2013 Newsletter

We will present all of our summer courses and activities on May 30th at 6pm at the Association. 

Summer is here and we are ready!  50 flavors of cool!  Summer Camp, New Courses, Documentaries, Summer Reading, Storytime Light, TGIF and much more! The Association is rocking all summer!

 SUMMER HOURS  from Monday June 10th – until the end of July, we’ll switch to summer hours. 
Monday,Wednesday, Friday:  5-7:00 p.m. and Tuesday and Thursday mornings 10-12. As always, if we are here, we’re open! 



Tuesdays from 6-7pm starting June 11-July 9. 5 weeks (Cost €50).  It’s never too early! Learn the secrets to raising a bilingual baby with our expert teacher mommies.

Tuesdays from 5-6 starting on June 11- Jul 9. 5 weeks (Cost €50).

READING FOR YOUNG NATIVE SPEAKERS: Ages 7-10, July 1st – July 31st.  This class will meet Mondays and Wednesdays 3- 4:30 p.m.  15 hours, €150.  The five-week course is aimed at students who have reached a high level of spoken proficiency in English. Participants will improve all four language skills but especially reading and writing.

SUMMER LABIl Mio English Camp in Città: Ages 4-10– Day Camp for children age 4-10 at the Filzi-Grego School and garden in Strada di Guardiella.  Half day, full day, single day options from June 17th until August 2nd.  In collaboration with AIA FVG, Il Cerchio Aperto Associazione Culturale, Zoe Food, Annalisa Danze, ACTIS.  Presentation on May 29th at 5 p.m. Scuola Filzi-Grego – Strada di Guardiella 9/A.

“LIT FLIX” ACCELERATED ENGLISH FOR TEENS– Advanced Multimedia and Literature:Ages 11 – 16  starting June 12th for 7 weeks.  This class will meet every Wednesday from 5-6 p.m. (Cost €70).  Have fun and improve your skills in English. Students may also volunteer from 6-7pm for Storytime Light and will receive a certificate of appreciation at the end of the summer.

Middle School Reading and Conversation– July 1-5.  11am – 1pm  - €100
High School Reading and Conversation  – July 1-5.    1.30pm-3.30 pm - €100


BUSINESS ENGLISH AT LUNCH – learn English during your lunch break – from 1-2 pm, twice a week Tuesday and Thursday for 6 weeks- starting June 11- July 11-  € 130
SUMMER INTENSIVE ENGLISH WEEK for ADULTS.  June  24-28th Beginner, Advanced Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced.  2 hours a day, for 5 days.  10-12 or 6-8 p.m. A Full Immersion experience without leaving Trieste.  (cost €130)

For info call:  349 8666667. 


We’re now on Twitter.  Follow our tweets! We are also blogging again on our Trieste Survival Blog.

STORYTIME Light will begin on June 12th – Every Wednesday evening from 6-7 p.m. -
Summer Reading fun again this year!  I Love Reading.  Check out a book, get points.  Put a library visit in your schedule every week.  Are you a native speaker?  Volunteer to read! We are also looking for Junior Volunteers to help out.

June 13th –  Our monthly appointment to have a coffee and some good conversation (in English). 

Our state-of-the-art Projector and Audio system are now installed,  thanks to our super volunteers Luciano, Joe and Ivo.  Come by in June and enjoy a documentary with super sound and a perfect picture! This major upgrade was made possible thanks to a generous grant from the US Government.

A trip to the most beautiful states in America, without leaving Trieste!  Aerial views of Arizona, Colorado, Alaska and Washington.  Breathtaking views of the most dramatic landscapes in the United States. PBS, 60 minutes each episode.
June  7th -  Over Arizona – Rare views of the Grand Canyon, the state’s deserts, forests, lakes and rivers.

June 14th  -  Over Colorado – Soar over the Rocky Mountains in a Cessna 180.  Visit the cliffs, plateaus, prairies and valleys.

June 21st – Over Alaska – Mt. McKinley, blue glaciers, frozen tundra and icebergs.

June 28th – Over Washington – Mt. Rainier, Puget Sound, the Palouse.


TGIF! – in our office from 7 p.m. – OPEN TO THE PUBLIC
June  21st - Happy Hour with drinks and snacks in our library.  Meet new people, speak English, enjoy ethnic cuisine.  After our Serbian Evening with Rustiko, this June will be Mexican month with food from ZOE FOOD.  The food is great and of course the company is fantastic!  (€5 contribution, BYOB).  Participants bring drinks to share.  Make a reservation so we know how much food to order at or by phone 040 63 03 01.

Independence Day Celebration on July 7th at Ausonia starting at 6:30 p.m. A summer evening on the seashore with food and live American music from Elvis to the Boss as played by Gino D’Eliso and Joe Niemela.  More details coming soon. Yes, we know that July 4th is really Independence day, but we like to party on weekends!

Also Coming in July:  America on the Big Screen: 1947-1954.  July 8-11th  American films as Triestini saw them during the Allied Military Government.

See you in June at the Association!       

FOLLOW US on:                                      
Facebook Associazione Italo Americana del FVG           Facebook American Corner Trieste
Piazza S. Antonio 6, 34132 Trieste – 040 63 03 01 
Hours: Monday-Friday 4-8pm, Tuesday and Thursday 10-12

Summer Lab: Il mio English Camp in Città

Summer Day Camp in English this Summer with the collaboration of Associazione Italo Americana FVG, Il Cerchio Aperto, ACTIS theater group, Annalisa Danze, Zoe Food.

Per Sapere di più:  Presentazione alla Scuola Filzi Grego - Strada di Guardiella 9/A - Trieste - mercoledì, 29 maggio alle 17. 


Il mio English Camp in città

Cos’è il Summer LAB? 
E’ un laboratorio estivo di immersione nella lingua inglese in cui i bambini dai 4 ai 10 anni avranno l’occasione di sperimentare nuove abilità individuali, potenziando la loro intelligenza emozionale attraverso divertenti esercizi di problem solving, collaborazione, apprendimento cooperativo, creatività ed espressione. In un clima di gioco e festa si vogliono porre le basi per il nuovo “cittadino del mondo”, amante di valori quali tollerenza, amicizia e comprensione culturale, ma che allo stesso tempo ha sviluppato importanti abilità di tipo comunicativo, responsabilità individuale, leadership e fiducia personale.

Le nostre attività      
Immersione nella lingua inglese con giochi, attività e laboratori artistico-creativi organizzati da insegnanti madrelingua dell’associazione Italo Americana del Friuli Venezia Giulia e American Corner Trieste.
Laboratorio di espressione teatrale tenuto dagli attori professionisti dell’ACTIS (Associazione Culturale Teatro Immagine e Suono).
Pittura creativa e attività di potenziamento degli apprendimenti, How to maximize your potential, a cura degli psicologi dell’associazione culturale Il Cerchio Aperto.
Attività di sviluppo ritmico e motorio grazie alla partecipazione degli allegri ballerini dell’associazione sportiva dilettantistica Annalisa Danze.

Per chi
Bambini/e dai 4 - 10 anni
Quando :  Dal 17 giugno al 2 agosto.
Programmi settimanali
Dove :Scuola Filzi-Grego e il suo giardino verde in Strada di Guardiella 9/A (TS)
Orari :Dal lunedì al venerdì, 8.00 - 16.30
                Possibilità di pre-accoglimento 7.30
Costi :  Orario pieno: 8.00 - 16.30 €125
                Orario frazionato: 8.00-12.00/13.00-16.30 €75 (senza pasto)
                A giornata: €35, parziale €28
Iscrizioni: €15
Sconti per settimane successive
Sconto fratelli 10%

Per informazioni / prenotazioni:

Associazione culturale
Il Cerchio Aperto
Tel. 340 8789332

La Giornata al Summer Lab

Accogliemento (7.30 su richiesta)
Morning Welcome
English Lab (tutte le mattine)
Snack Time/Merenda
History is fun oppure divertenti attività di potenziamento dell’apprendimento oppure giochi di gruppo (a giorni alterni)
Relax e gioco libero
Pittura creativa oppure Teatro oppure Danza oppure English Lab
(a giorni alterni)
Snack Time/Merenda
Si va a casa

* Inoltre, ogni venerdì verrà organizzato un piccolo Party per festeggiare la fine del tema della settimana.
Le attività verranno illustrate di settimana in settimana, fornendo ai genitori un programma.

Think Globally Act Locally

Building on the historical idea of Trieste as a city of tolerance and diversity, this summer camp experience aims at nourishing and cultivating a new generation of “Global Citizens” focusing on the principles of leadership, cultural understanding, diversity, personal responsibility, friendship, and character development.

Children ages 4-10 will learn new skills while enhancing their emotional intelligence through small and large-group activities encouraging problem solving, collaboration, cooperative learning, creativity and personal expression. The core subject areas are: English language immersion, Art, Theater, and Dance. Each week a specific theme will be chosen and addressed in all subject areas and extra-curricular activities.

In Collaborazione con:
Il progetto nasce dallo sforzo congiunto di più associazioni non-profit presenti sul territorio triestino che si sono unite per poter offrire questo programma innovativo e che rappresentano, già di per sé, un modello di coesione, comprensione e cooperazione.

Collaborano per la realizzazione del Summer Lab: Associazione Culturale il Cerchio Aperto, Associazione Italo Americana del Friuli Venezia Giulia / American Corner Trieste, Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica Annalisa Danze, ACTIS (Associazione Culturale Teatro Immagine Suono) e Zoe Food che fornirà le succulente bio-merende e presenterà dei simpatici laboratori sul gusto.

Storytime Light and I Love Reading Summer Reading Program

Coming Soon!  Storytime Light and I Love Reading Summer Reading Program  All Summer, Wednesdays at 6 p.m. at American Corner Trieste - Piazza S. Antonio Nuovo, 6 - Trieste
We will have an informal Summer-long Storytime on Wednesdays at 6 p.m.  Our mother tongue Mommies (and Daddies) will delight you with reader’s choice.  Keep it light!  Keep reading!
June:  12th, 19th, 26th. 
July:  3rd , 10th,  17th, 24th. 
August 28th.  September 4th.
Are you a mother tongue?  Would you like to volunteer to read?  Contact us! or 040 63 03 01 or 349 8 66666 7


Our program includes:
* Score Board to keep track of how many books you read from June 12th until September 4th (for kids and adults!)
* Fantastic prizes when you meet your goals!
* Junior Volunteer Program
* Awards Ceremony to recognize participants will be held on September 4th before school starts. Register to participate.   Yes, adults can also compete in a separate reading contest!



TGIF - May 17th, 7-9 p.m. Reservation Requested

 A Happy Hour with drinks and snacks in the American Corner Trieste in our new location - P. S. Antonio Nuovo, 6 - Trieste. Children with parents are welcome!

Take Out from the Restaurant of the Month: SERBIAN Food from RUSTIKO, via Maddonina - Largo Barriera- Trieste.
February was Indian food from MASALA in via Nordio, March:
American cuisine from MARINO in Via Timeus 9, April: Pizza from BARATTOLO. Visit our supporters and tell them that we sent you!

 A €5 euro per person contribution is requested to cover the food costs. BYOB (Bring drinks to share).
RESERVATION REQUESTED via facebook,, or 040 63 03 01(to know how many people to expect in order to make our food order).

 OPEN TO THE PUBLIC --- bring a friend, a date?
This could be the start of a beautiful relationship! Check out our new location, a book, DVD, Magazine.

New Class for Babies!

We are putting together a new class for very small children (0-3 years old) and their parent(s).

This course will get your baby in contact with the English language and support YOU as you get your child on the road to becoming bilingual through conversation, play, music, and stories.

Please contact Karoline if you are interested. +393498666667.

Friday American Experience

FRIDAY AMERICAN EXPERIENCE in our new conference room in Piazza S. Antonio Nuovo, 6 - Fridays 6 p.m. – OPEN TO THE PUBLIC
After the big move, we are back with our schedule. MAY is CULTURAL DIVERSITY MONTH. We’ll look at multi-cultural weddings in the United States and the American Gay Rights Movement.

 May 17th - STONEWALL UPRISING - In June 28, 1969 police raided the Stonewall Inn, a popular gay bar in the Greenwich Village section of New York City. That night the street erupted into violent protests and street demonstrations that lasted for the next three days, which marked a major turning point in the modern gay civil rights movement in the United States and around the world. PBS Documentary, 56 min.

 May 24th - LIDIA CELEBRATES AMERICA: WEDDINGS – Something Borrowed, Something New – Lidia Bastianich meets couples as they plan to tie the knot. Wedding celebrations in America are as diverse as the nation itself. A look at how different cultures celebrate their cross cultural weddings in the US. PBS Documentary, 56 min.

See our new Place! Check out a book, DVD, Magazine. We're open Monday to Friday 4-8 pm. and Tuesday and Thursday mornings 10-12.

Attention High Schoolers!

There is still time to sign up for next week's intensive class!

Call fast, though. 3498666667